Online Tutorial
Start Date-7/25/17 End Date-7/27/17
Purpose: To practice Ruby on Rails skills and maintain knowledge.
Methods: This was an on-line tutorial available through Youtube.
Ref: Child, M. “How to build a blog in rails 4”. Sep 13, 2014.
Results: Good tutorial overall. The main gem used is as follows:
The tutorial took me a bit longer than expected. I notice a trend among some of the online tutorials. That trend is that they get some of the stuff wrong regardless of the version of Rails.
Blocks: This tutorial got me stuck on the “New Post” route and after looking at the comments, I wasn’t the only one with this issue. I would have progressed a lot faster had I not tried to troubleshoot the issue throughout. There were other issues since the “Log Out” path was also not configured properly through the tutorial. Luckily, other folks that went through the tutorial did experience the same issue but were able to help other resolve the issue.
Lessons: Use comments in YouTube. I noticed I got stuck on some issues that were genuine issues and not from my own lack of coding ability. I’ll be sure to review the comments ahead of time before diving into a tutorial. Also, I actually took down a lot of notes in this tutorial because I see that instructor took sort of a strange route to creating the MVC of each component of the project. Meaning that we could create a scaffold and edit them much easier than coding from an arbitrary point. It did help me understand the piping of each section much better than before.
Things you may want to cover:
Rails 5.1.2
git clone
cd blog
rails s
open your browser to localhost:3000